Rubbery legs!

Ouch! Getting back into the work-out grind can be especially tough - especially for those of us pushing 50.

Yes, I said that, pushing 50!

It's not so bad you know, I feel good and I have been having the time of my life lately. There is something about pushing 50 that seems exciting. I don't feel old, but I do feel a little wiser and I am starting to enjoy the smaller things in life a lot more. I am appreciating family and friends a lot more - reconnecting with old friends and making new friends. I don't know if it is the nostalgia, the march of time or appreciating the fact that these people have touched my life in some form or the other. In either case, I am enjoying the connections! Facebook has a lot to do with this I suppose. I find myself checking it more and more often - not commenting as much, but getting a glimpse into their lives, catching up so to speak.

And I enjoy it!

I enjoy seeing my friends (old and new) with their triumphs, their trials and their perseverance. It gives me hope, it gives me strength, it gives me a source to draw from. I guess that's what being a part of a social community is all about - drawing together, sharing our strength as well as weaknesses. I don't think I could have realized this as a younger man - back then, all I thought about is 'manning up' or handling it on my own. I guess I realized that I don't need to do that any longer and that is is more than ok to lean once in awhile!

Wow - is this aging? reflecting more and more or is it the march of time and the pending New Year? In either case, it's OK I guess! I don't mind being reflective! It's kind of fun!