Commitment and not institutional
Committing to the process of writing - hell, committing to any process is tough! I spent most of my morning thinking about what the heck I was going to write about today. What is going to be interesting that I can write about that may make someone new read my writing. After all, lets face it, the only people who are really reading are family and friends (and perhaps not even them!). Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate their support, but I would like to build an audience beyond family and friends (who are probably getting sick of me!).
Many writers who are turning to Blogs to hone their craft are focusing on particular topics that are their professional strengths. From Motivational Speakers, to Chefs, to even some great Blogs about Self Publishing. The conventional wisdom is that you need to have something to teach. Well, I am going to try and buck that conventional wisdom and instead just try to have something to share. Something that will (hopefully) entertain, inform and maybe even make an impact on a life or two. Now, I am not saying that impact may not actually be the cause of nightmares - but what the heck, it's an impact!
The point is, I am going to try and commit to this process on a daily basis. And no, my reviews and weekly DVD Releases will not count. So, as you can see, I am putting a lot of pressure on myself to develop content, the least you can do as a dear reader is share this with your extended family and friends! See, I can always get a blatant plug in there somewhere!
I promise not to make these overly long - just quick tidbits every day, most times under 500 words. Basically because that's about all I have in me some days, 500 words. Although those that know me well, know that I have about 500 words to say in a minute or two - more on that with a different post!
Bottom line, it's a commitment; one I have been trying to make for years and one I am finally getting off of my well toned butt (I have been told this, so stop groaning) to start writing on a regular basis! That means you will be seeing my novel soon as well - I am just about ready for editing and if you are a Facebook friend, you have seen the cover in progress. All fun stuff.
I mentioned in a previous post that all this may have to do with turning 50 soon. Maybe it does, maybe it is giving me cause to pause and take stock of all of the things I have yet to accomplish. Things that I wanted to accomplish long ago in my youth, but like life always does, things got in the way and side tracked me. Maybe it is about experience; the experience of life is finally starting to sink in and I am realizing that I do have something to share. And maybe it is about fear - or finally getting over fear. Fear of rejection, fear of not being as good as you think you are; after all, aren't we all the best at whatever it is in our own minds? Come on, how many of us can run a company better than the founder? All of these have contributed to my constant procrastination and have finally lead me to turning 50 without having my first novel done. Well, no more. Commitment. Commitment to writing or commitment to an institution!