Trying again!
Hello Dear Reader! I am trying this again - I have actually been doing pretty good with regular reviews and updates on the movie side of this - but very negligent as far as creative writing is concerned - so I am trying to get into the habit again and I am going to be a bit better!
What's that? I am a few days early for New Year Resolutions? Yeah, I guess I am, but better late than never and better early than not at all - right? I guess I am just getting tired of saying 'I am going to' and 'I will...tomorrow' or even worse, 'I will on MONDAY' - sometimes I hate that word - MONDAY. It is the key word for most procrastinators. In the middle of the week it is just far enough away to put it off and on the weekend, it is just close enough to fool yourself into thinking you will actually do it.
For me, today is my MONDAY!
I am going to ask a favor from my readers (if there are any of you out there that is) - please comment, interact, present your thoughts - let me know how you feel. If you don't agree with me, let me know - if you agree with me, let me know that as well. If you like my writing, tell me. Nothing spurs on people more than positive reenforcement. And nothing helps a debate more than a negative comment or two (but please be civil).
I am also considering reposting some of the more creative entries from my previous blog at Blogger - not because I am lazy, but because I think there is some good writing there and I want to capture it on my website here. I promise on those days to make two posts or make it a part of my overall post for the day. In fact, I think I will start today!
In August of 2005 - Lisa and I traveled with her father to Lithuania (me for the 2nd time, Lisa for her 3rd) to visit with family. It was a great trip! I bought my laptop with so it allowed me the opportunity to blog the travels. One day in particular was something to experience and I shared it: