DVD Releases for Week of 2/05/2013

Only 1 good release this week!

'Flight' - Denzel Washington is back in rare form in Robert Zemeckis's 'Flight', a truly nail biting, harrowing character case study of one man's struggle and descent into addiction. After spending nearly the last ten years with animation, Zemeckis is back to live action with a finely crafted morality play that, for the most part, engages the viewer from start to finish. Much of that credit can be given to Washington, who after spending the last few films as an action hero, is back to flexing his dramatic muscles in what will surely be a Oscar nominated performance.

'Here Comes The Boom' - Kevin James seems to be a nice enough guy, he was certainly entertaining on TV; but his movies just seem to fail. He really either needs to pick better scripts or just give up and stick to sitcoms. The humor here is weak and the plot has been recycled several dozen times in any number of cheap comedies. Best to leave this loser on the shelf.

'Alex Cross' - Quite possibly the worst film of the year, if not the stupidest, so bad they pulled the trailer from the internet! This was intended to kick off the franchise once very capably filled by Morgan Freeman; instead the only good thing about this kick-off is the trailer. It is so disappointing too when you consider the pedigrees involved, from director Rob Cohen (The Fast and Furious) to Tyler Perry and Matthew Fox. But incoherent direction, a cliche ridden script and wooden acting serve to sink this ship before it even sets sail.

'Celeste and Jesse Forever' - Only the talent of Rashida Jones and Andy Samberg save what could have been a standard rom-com. Well worth the $1.20 at Redbox if only to see a breakout performance from Jones, heralding what I am sure is a solid career on the big screen. While this may be a formula piece, sit back and enjoy the performances, they more than make up for the tired scripting and directing short-cuts.

 'So Undercover' - Two words: Miley Cyrus. Enough said I think, I am already spending too much time telling you to leave this on the shelf. If you pick it up, I warned you.