Politically Incorrect - I'm OK With Global Warming!

It's January 11th in Chicago and the temperature has just hit a high of 52 on it's way to 60! 60! It's January! 60!

Having grown up in Chicago, with winters as brutal as one can imagine; 60 in January is a welcome respite from the usual winter doldrums. I actually drove around today with the windows open! If this is Global Warming, I think I am ok with it!

Now I know that is not the most politically correct thing to say these days and I am sure I am going to get my fair share of email blasting me and the devastation of Earth. But, having been through BONE CHILLING WINTERS, how can you NOT enjoy a warm up every now and then? 

Whether the whole Global Warming issue is a reality or not, I will not debate that. No doubt the Earth is warming; or at least the US is warming; but, is that a bad thing? Think about the areas that are all tropical in nature, where it is always warm. Is that a bad thing? I know I am over simplifying, but darn it, I like having warm weather! I know, I know, so why don't I move? I did, I tried and I guess I just miss my family too much!

That's a good thing! So since I am choosing to be with my family here in the cold Midwest, is it too much to ask for a little warm up every now and then?