Give Up On The Resolutions Yet? Tips To Keep Going!

Well, we are 15 days into 2013 and I am betting that a good number of us have already given up on a resolution or two! I am here to tell you, don't give up yet and even if you have slipped, you can get right back yup on that resolution horse and ride it off into 2014! Here are some tips that I have learned over the years of attempting to make resolution that stick:

  1. Be Real! The quickest way to drop the resolution ball is to make goals that are not realistic. Set attainable goals for yourself - goals that will give you the emotional victory you need and thus momentum to go for bigger goals! Is your goal weight loss? If so, try starting with a goal of losing 1 or 2 pounds per week. that is a very normal and healthy goal. As they start to melt off, you will become more and more emotionally charged to continue the weight loss.
  2. PLAN! If you wait until the last minute to set your goal, your goal will be based on the emotion of that particular day. Maybe your goal is to get a new job; but maybe that's because you are mad at the boss at the moment. The point is - sit down and make a list of goals that you want to attain. Once you have that list, the choose one or two that you know you can easily attain. Make sure you add a date to that goal - for example; it's now January 15th; a little late for a new year resolution; but there is nothing stopping you from starting on January 21st (I like Mondays to start goals!), after you have had the remainder of the week and the weekend to draw up a plan. And I do mean to literally draw up the plan - nothing will help you more than having a written plan in place that you can refer to and even check things off of. Visual references are a powerful reminder. I like using the bathroom mirror as well as Google Calendar to set up reminders.
  3. Communicate! Most people tend to go about their resolutions in silence; unless asked about them, when in fact, you should be shouting it to the roof tops that you have a goal! Not only does this reinforce the goals in your own mind, but it will help you draw some emotional strength from those around you that support you! Is your goal to work out more? Get a friend to go with you; you can both support each other!
  4. Track and Reward! It is important to set yourself up with some kind of tracking tool. You can journal, you can make tic marks on a white board or mirror, there are a ton of free apps for your phone or tablet that will help; it really doesn't matter as long as you can visualize your progress. Then set rewards for yourself; they could be weekly, monthly, whatever - as long as the reward is at the end of a goal. Lose 2 pounds in a week? Awesome! Now treat yourself to a movie (you can read my reviews for some good ones!).
  5. Stay On Course! Most experts say that 21 days make a habit; so stick with it! If working out is your goal and you wake up one morning just too tired to get going, force yourself! Trust me, you will be awake and feeling fine by the time you get to the gym! By the 22nd day, you will be invigorated and the thoughts of dreading the gym will pass. And if you do slip, don't beat yourself up, go a little later, but try and go.
  6. Don't Give Up! It's now nearly march and you have run out of steam or life has gotten too crazy. Before you give up or let your goal slip away; start over again! Go back to Step 1 and run through each step; the process of restarting will give you the emotional charge you need to get going!

New Year Resolutions are tough - tougher than we really need to make them. Keep them simple, attainable and you will reach your goals!! Good luck everyone!!