2012 - A Wonderful Year!

It's funny, as I browse the various Facebook posts, tweets and blog postings from those I follow, they review 2012 as if it was the worst year ever, quotes from 'I can't wait for this year to be over' to 'Here's hoping that 2013 will be a better year' and more. I have to admit, in the past, I was one of those types that posted much of the same. And I almost did again this year - then I had a revelation this morning...

There are 365 days to a year - how can you even remotely expect that there will not be any challenges during the course of that many days?

Ask yourself this - in perspective, did you have more bad days than good days? In most cases, I would be willing to bet that you did not - I certainly didn't! It is also shown that negative experiences always seem to outweigh or cloud positive experiences because it is our human nature to focus on them. It takes work to focus on the positives.

So as we close this year, I am choosing to focus on all of the positive things that have happened rather than the negative. 2012 was a banner year for me!

  • I networked with hundreds if not thousands of new individuals!
  • I made new friends that I found commonality with - despite never meeting face to face!
  • I uncovered many new and exciting opportunities that will help make 2013 a banner year!
  • I wrote nearly 20,000 words for 'Immortal Beloved'!
  • I reconnected with my lovely wife, who even after 30 years together still manages to surprise me, make me laugh, excite me and make me feel like the most special man alive!

I could go on and probably should, but I believe the point is made. I want to challenge all of you to do the same; look at 2012 and list out all of the positive things that happened throughout the year. Focus on that, let the negative wash away with the ticking of the clock and let the positive drive you into a happier and more fulfilling New Year.

Will there be challenges? Of course there will, it wouldn't be life without challenges. Use those challenges to grow, make those challenges into something positive. Every challenge in life is a learning experience; it is an experience that can open our eyes, that can expand our horizons or that can change our path to something even better than before. The opportunities are there, we just need to reach out and grasp them, we need to look beyond the negativity and pull the positive from it. 

Wishing you all a very Happy and Safe New Year!