DVD Releases For Week of 6/26/2013

Skipped a week, one because I was a bit swamped and two, well, the releases lately have been a bit mundane and rotten. Even this week the pickings are pretty slim; but maybe we can find a winner or two...

'The Incredible Burt Wonderstone' - Generic and filled with painfully tired jokes and gags; this film does everything it can to NOT capitalize on the talented cast. Well, with the exception of the talent less Jim Carrey who seems to repeat the same character over and over again. Steve Carell is most definitely wasted in this horrible bomb.

'The Call' - Oh Halle Berry, where did you go with that promising career? And who thought it was a good idea to give you clown hair in a movie? 'The Call' is a standard thriller that gets the thrills from jump out at you scares (a generally used tactic when the script and director are weak). Brain dead and an insult to any audience member's intelligence, this is a film that never should have seen the movie screen and instead head straight to DVD.

'Jack The Giant Slayer' - Well, the story is pretty basic and, at times, the effects tend to overwhelm the viewer; but as a decent fairytale retold and bought to life is concerned, 'Jack The Giant Slayer' is pretty decent fun at the movies. Luckily, director Bryan Singer had the likes of Ewan McGregor and Stanley Tucci to liven up the basic script. Not a bad rental for a hot humid summer's evening.

'21 & Over' - Trying too hard to be the next 'The Hangover'; '21 & Over' only succeeds in becoming a total waste of film, far too predictable, profane just for the sake of profanity and no discernable reason for the story to unfold. Yet another waste of time.

'Movie 43' - I really think the Farrelly Brothers should just stop making movies. Quite probably, the worst film of the DECADE. I am betting most of the star studded cast is wishing they never even set foot on the set.

'The Last Exorcism Part II' - Why someone had the bright idea to make a part 2 to a movie they should have never made in the first place is beyond me. Apparently there is a huge market for really bad movies about people bending way over backwards and walking like a spider. I need this one exorcised from my brain!