'The Impossible' - Riveting story of human triumph!
Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts bring powerful performances to the screen with a less than stellar script to work with in the tense and riveting 'The Impossible'. Based on the true story of a family caught in the tsunami that ripped through the Thailand coast on December 26th, 2004, 'The Impossible' is a harrowing tale rendered even more so with fantastic CGI effects that place you in the killer wave as it sweeps through the countryside.
Disaster films are something of a staple in Hollywood, but for the most part, these are man made and the devastation is somewhat less compelling. More difficult to make are movies based on real disasters, with very real devastation as well as devastated lives; putting a film together that is both realistic and tasteful is a huge challenge. Director Juan Antonio Bayona does an admirable job, the CGI is impressive and we are brought into the deadly wave as it strikes. While the devastation is massive; Bayona maintains a decent distance; as if he were a news camera capturing the disaster for the media. This works well for the film and allows the actor to bring the emotion forward through their plight.
It is the actors that carry this film, despite the very strong, sometimes overwhelming effects and a pretty basic script treatment! Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts are Maria and Henry Bennett on holiday in Thailand with their three sons: Simon (Oaklee Pendergas), Thomas (Samuel Joslin) and Lucas (Tom Holland). It is the day after Christmas, Henry is playing in the pool with his two young sons while Lucas and Maria are pool side when a 98 foot wall of water crashes into the resort. What happens next is the story of one family's struggle to recover as well as reunite from this very harrowing disaster.
While the sequence of the wave striking only lasted 10 minutes, and this is not a big budget production, Bayona's effects are nothing short of teeth clenching. The sequence in which Maria and Thomas fight impossible currents to reach each other are emotionally exhausting. It is outside of these sequences that the film stumbles just a little, not because of the terrific performances, but because of the less than stellar script writing that seemed to boil down the interactions to Lifetime movie dialogue. But (and this is a big but) the performances of McGregor, Watts and the young Holland as Lucas, will live with you even as you are walking out from the theater.
Watts was perfect in the physically demanding role as Maria, a mom as well as a doctor, fighting to not only help herself, but her son as well as others. I am certain that Watts, who was nominated for a Golden Globe for her performance, has an Oscar nomination in her future. McGregor, who I find to be a terrific actor, does his very limited role justice; showing intense emotion that will not only bring a tear to your eye, but leave you feeling for this man who will stop at nothing to reunite his family.
Even though the script was a little emotionally manipulative for my taste, the reality and intensity that Watts and McGregor bring to their roles outweigh that minor shortcoming. Their performances make the 3 1/2 star 'The Impossible' quite possible and well worth the trip to the theater!