Embrace Change!

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror, I can take the next thing that comes along.' - Eleanor Roosevelt

There are many things that will occur throughout our lives that will either throw us into a tailspin or send us flying to new heights. Each comes with its own sets of challenges and each involves change. It amazes me constantly just how many people are 'change adverse'; especially considering that change is a daily part of most of our lives. I think most people view change as negative, as something that involves considerable pain. And while it often can, there are ways to take that pain and turn it into a positive. I would submit, all change can be considered positive or at least turned into a positive. Therefore change must be embraced and even encouraged. It is a necessary part of our personal as well as professional growth!

The following are some of the tips I have used over time to help me not only cope with change, but embrace change as well!


  1. Understand EVERYONE fears something. No one is immune to becoming afraid or fearing something. Once you understand this and realize that you are not alone, you can come to better understand the fear and overcome it. Also, knowing this allows you the opportunity to reach out to others and ask for assistance or support!
  2. Take baby steps. When change occurs or when you are even trying to make a change, take baby steps! Trying to lose weight for the new year? Great! Set goals that are attainable, a pound a week as an example and then build upon that! New job? Fantastic! Learn from those that have been at the company longer, ask questions. Bite off projects one at a time!
  3. Open your heart. This one seems simple enough, but you would be surprised how difficult it is. By opening your heart, I am speaking more in the spiritual sense. It doesn't matter to me if you believe in God or not. But opening yourself to spirituality can go a long way to clarity in a changing situation. Pray and reflect daily; if you don't want to pray, meditate. Open your heart, calm your mind and you will see how your body and emotions follow.
  4. Stay Positive. An important tip to say the least. Staying positive can bring you such strength and clarity. Lose your job? Look on the bright side, you now have a world of opportunities before you! Now you can tackle that project you wanted to get to. Now you can expand your network like you always wanted to. Now you can go back to school. Now you can finally reinvent your career like you always wanted to! You see? It is all in how you CHOOSE to look at it.
  5. Accept the past. The past is gone, over, you cannot change it. The only thing you can change is how you move forward. Dwelling on a past mistake, dwelling on why you were laid off, dwelling on anything only extends and cements the negativity. Accept that it happened, accept that you cannot change it and move on. Learn from the past, but accept it and move on!
  6. Embrace the moment. Far too many people tend to either live in the past or fret about the future. With the past, you cannot change it. With the future, it hasn't happened yet and there are unlimited possibilities! So, instead, embrace the moment! Live in the now and make every minute count! Good, bad or indifferent; each moment that you enjoy on the glorious plain of existence should be savored and treated in a positive manner! Life isn't always neat or perfect; it can be messy and chaotic; but it is all we have, so embrace it!
  7. Allow change to happen. The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. There is an old story, a man is walking down the street and in his direct path is a hole. He falls in. He climbs out and because the hole is in his direct path he falls in again. He does this repeatedly before finally figuring out that he can simply go around the hole. Be free, embrace every opportunity as a positive experience.

If you choose to embrace change, I promise you, you will live a much more fulfilled life. You will begin to feel in control of your life and that will have many positive outcomes! Your mental and emotional state will improve as well as your professional performance. Know the things you can control in your life and accept the things you can't control in your life; this is critical to accepting change and leading a healthy and positive life!