DVD Releases for Week of 3/05/2013
So with most of the Oscar winners still in theaters, the pickings for DVD releases is mighty slim, with the exception of two of them!
'Wreck-it Ralph!' - Disney does it again with 'Wreck-It Ralph' - the newest entry in the animation hit factory that is Pixar! While not as strong as previous Pixar films, 'Wreck-It Ralph' offers plenty to keep the kiddies entertained while throwing a few bones to the odd adult. How can you not like a movie that resurrects 'Qbert'? With an inventive story line that will take the GenXers on a trip down Atari memory lane, it is a basic story about the true hero in us all and a tale of simply being nice to one another.
'Red Dawn' - Some movies or styles from the 80's simply don't need to be remade. 'Red Dawn' is one of them. Leave this piece of garbage in your memory banks and out of your DVD trays.
'The Intouchables' - One of the more uplifting tale of trust, humanity and the possibilities of love. This French film (subtitled in English) was little seen outside of the art house theaters, but it deserves multiple viewings and will make you believe in the power of the human spirit and friendship! A must see!
'Playing For Keeps' - Gerard Butler is single-handedly killing the romantic comedy faster than Garry Marshall; please just stop now and get quickly back to action films.