It's All About Change

 ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.’  - Charles Darwin

Change, like death and taxes, is inevitable.  We can try and run from it; we can try and hide from it; but inevitably it will always find us. How we approach that change can often defines us.


When a business is growing, at some point they must take a look internally and start thinking about change. Change is required to make that next step onward and upward. The way of doing business as a 20 person organization is entirely different than the way business is done as a 200 person organization. However, is not just about simply changing; it is about reinventing who you are as an organization and planning for the future growth of your organization. There will be times that you may not understand why the change is occurring or even the reason for the change; my advice to you all, embrace the change.

Change is a good thing! It allows us to explore uncharted territories in our careers; it presents us with many opportunities for growth and it presents us with many opportunities for success. The old adage generally states: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”; personally I believe that this is a defeatist attitude and one that lacks vision into the future. While your organization may not necessarily be ‘broken’, an organization does need to position itself for the future and I feel strongly that this will present many outstanding opportunities for everyone involved!
So, as you move forward with any change project, embrace the change, dive in head first! Ask questions, challenge! And most of all, enjoy the ride!