'Gods of Egypt' - save us from the transgressions of bad movies!

If you are going to make a movie about the 'Gods of Egypt' at least try and make it with some of the real, historical gods. Instead, director Alex Proyas attempts to create a new history, but not very well.  I was expecting a 'B-Movie', in fact, I was hoping for a 'B-Movie' in the vein of 'Clash of the Titans'; instead, it was barely a 'D-Movie', if even that.

Cheesy, unimpressive with dialogue that makes one cringe, 'Gods of Egypt' is a colossal mess. Loaded with cheap GCI that barely makes an attempt to hide the green screen backdrops, one would have hoped for something more along the lines of a 'Clash of the Titans' (as noted above); instead we are treated to what seems to be a director hell bent on making the worst movie of the year. And why not, the Razzies are getting as much press these days as the Oscars!

Even more disappointing was the acting. Although I suppose they did the best they could with the script they had. Poor Gerard Butler as the evil Set was doing his best to channel Sparta, but inevitably simply phoned the part in (hey, a paycheck is a paycheck). I still don't know how the fantastic Geoffery Rush was conned into this mess. I can only assume he lost a bet. I am hoping he gets back to work like 'The Kings Speech' soon and forgets doing this drivel.

The ending (which took about 2 hours too long to get to) even left itself open for a sequel. One can only hope the gods of Lionsgate will shoot that down. Do yourself a big favor and leave this 1 star mess at the theater. The gods will bless you for that!