'Deadpool' - Ryan Reynolds finds a vulgar, funny sweet spot!

 Yes, 'Deadpool' is another superhero movie; but it's also just not another superhero movie. 'Deadpool' KNOWS he is just another superhero movie and skewers everything about the superhero genre, assuring us that it's NOT just another superhero movie! Schizophrenic? A little but that is exactly how 'Deadpool' plays and actor Ryan Reynolds (who I usually don't care for very much) finds his perfect sweet spot and the role of a lifetime as the violent, vulgar and (yes, hard to believe) somewhat love stricken (in the most filthy way possible) Deadpool.

Everything about 'Deadpool' is genre busting. From the very opening sequence, we come to realize this is not your ordinary hero in tights movie!  From the very HARD 'R' rating, to the constant breakthrough of the 4th wall (even to the 16th wall, just genius) to the constant self-depreciation of Reynolds, this is probably one of the freshest, funniest and (excuse me here) kick ass movies in quite a time. Fan boys all across America now have their 'Citizen Kane'.

Ryan Reynolds is Wade Wilson, a former Special Forces operative who has turned mercenary and, well, just a plain old SOB.  After finding love (in the most unconventional sense) Wade begins to change his ways and soon discovers he is terminally ill with cancer. Agreeing to an experiment that may cure him, he is turned into the mutated anti-hero Deadpool.

Sounds like a standard superhero story right? What makes this R-rated entry into the superhero genre work so well is Reynolds himself.  Often ill reviewed by critics & movie goers alike (by me as well), Reynolds over delivers in a role perfectly suiting to his fantastic comic timing and terrific sense of self depreciation. I'll give the guy credit for courage!  First time director Tim Miller weaves in all the over the top action with so much verbal trickery, from breaking the 4th wall and beyond, with expert hands! 'Deadpool' is hilariously funny from the opening credits to the very end - even pushing so far as to make fun of Marvel's famed Easter Eggs at the end of their movies.  My advice, don't miss either!  Stay until the house light come up and the screen is blank (take a pee break during the infomercials that theaters are want to run these day!).

This is a 4 star effort that I am sure will be a franchise for Reynolds (‘Deadpool 2’ has been given a green light already!) and Tim Miller.  Just a caution: DON’T BRING THE KIDS! This is a very HARD R! Some crazy family bought their n6 or 7 years old with and made me very uncomfortable. Leave the kids at home and enjoy a night out with the adults!