'Jack the Giant Slayer' - A fairly fun time at the movies!

Generally, if it is a Bryan Singer movie, I am going to enjoy it. Not that I didn't enjoy 'Jack the Giant Slayer', but it was not a Bryan Singer movie; rather, it was a Bryan Singer 'lite' movie! Again, that is not to say that I did not enjoy 'Jack the Giant Slayer', I actually did! It was fun, reasonably entertaining and the film makers made the very wise choice of not recreating the 'Jack & the Beanstalk' tale but rather telling it from a more traditional light. There will be purist that may complain about the toilet humor of the giants (apparently they do not understand how to utilize the 'farmers wipe' when it comes to a runny nose); but I gather that was mostly to gain a few laughs from the kids, while give parents a little CGI thrill with the action.

Singer opens the film cleverly enough using a story being told to two different children to introduce us to the main characters. One child eventually grows to be 'Jack' and the tales of the giants, we find, are amazingly true; the other child becomes the headstrong princess that Jack eventually becomes intertwined with.  This telling, while unique and interesting; is a perfect way to introduce us to the characters and goes a long way to helping the film move along at a steady pace.

The best part of 'Jack the Giant Slayer' is it's breviaty. So many 'classic' are struggling to be kidney busting epics when they are just as good as a quick romp. Singer smartly keeps the film brief, reveling in the fast paced action as well as the somewhat one dimensional characters. But then again, how can you get very deep with a fairy tale?