'A Good Day to Die Hard' - Should just die already...
Bruce Willis is back as the human Energizer Bunny John McClane in the 5th installment of the 'Die Hard' franchise, 'A Good Day To Die Hard'; possibly the worst entry to the franchise and may just herald the death of John McClane. Judging from it's huge box office over the weekend, I suspect that we haven't seen the last of John McClane just yet. Perhaps it is more fitting to wish for the career demise of director John Moore who filled this with uninventive car sequences, even more boring action sequences and humorless dialogue.
Normally I can suspend a great deal of disbelief when it comes to an action movie; after all, it is an action movie and we are there to be thrilled. But part of a good action movie is to allow you to suspend disbelief without forcing you to shout: "Come on!!!" at the flickering screen. After Willis' McClane emerges from what should have been his third fatal car wreak without a scratch I had rolled my eyes at least a dozen times. Saddled with a cliche riddled script, uninspired direction and lackluster performances from the supporting cast, even the usually screen capturing Willis is left floundering and directionless.
'A Good Day To Die Hard' starts promising enough with some good old fashioned Russian intrigue; while a little confusing, it had the promise of a Cold War retro feel. A short five minutes later it devolves into a standard plot with standard villains saddled with confusing as well as pointless double crosses. John McClane Jr (Jai Courtney) has been accused of shooting a Russian in a nightclub; of course, Papa McClane must come running to save him. What the elder McClane does not know is that Jr. is a CIA operative in Russia, his mission is to grab a 'file' from a Russian scientist who has been unfairly imprisoned (hence, him shooting a Russian to get into jail to go to court to free the Russian scientist. Yeah, my head was spinning watching it!). A shadowy group has other plans though and soon, during a brazen attack on a Russian courthouse, McClane Jr, the scientist and Papa are on the chase.
Director John Moore seems intent on destroying as many vehicles as he possibly can and calling that an action movie. Don't get me wrong, 'A Good Day To Die Hard' has it's moments, but certainly not enough to call it a good action film. Willlis seems to be sleepwalking through the film, perhaps just happy to cash the producers check. After the last 'Die Hard', 'Die Hard 4.0', I had high hopes. 4.0 was a ruckus ride that never let up and took great delight in its over the top action; but also took great delight in putting John McClane through hell and showing the wear and tear of it. Additionally, throughout 4.0, there was the humor that we have come to know and love in the previous 'Die Hard' films. In this 5th installment, much of the humor is missing and we are just left with a lot of loud, pointless explosions.
Jai Courtney as Jr, seems capable enough to fill the shoes of Willis in the franchise; I am hoping that the next installment, where they hopefully finally pass the torch, will take a cue from the first 'Die Hard' and put father and son in an unfinished high rise fighting off terrorists. Now that would be a story worth reliving and a very fitting way to reboot the franchise with a new star. But then again, just about anything is going to be better than this 2 star effort.