Get Rid of the Negativity

We all have this, people in our lives that we just don't understand. We don't understand why they do or say the things they do. Why they are so steeped in negativity. We try to be their friends or we try to be the best friend we can, yet in most cases, we are either stepped on or simply ignored and we are left wondering what we did wrong.

We have all been there, in some shape or form I am sure. Relationships are a funny thing. They are complicated and often pretty murky. But they are always a two way street and unless both halves of the relationship are working their way down the street in the same direction, that relationship is doomed to failure.

The key to remaining positive in your life is to surround yourself with other positive people. Negativity has no place in your life when you are trying to remain positive. There comes a point where you must ignore or push out the negativity and sometimes, that means ridding yourself of the sources of the negativity. Not all relationships in life are meant to be 'forever'; neither are all healthy. Sometimes, you can start out the best of friends and then something happens to change that. It could have been a difference of opinion or it could have been a perceived slight; but something happened that changes the dynamic.

At this point you have a couple of options. First, look into yourself and really ask the question: 'What did I did I do to either add to or cause the issue?'; if looking inward you can honestly say that you have done nothing, that you have done everything you could to make the friendship work, it is then time to have an open and frank conversation. Be honest (without being brutal) about your feelings and if after that the relationship is still sour; well, then you have to make the choice to walk away. Sometimes, this is the healthiest thing you can do for both parties involved.

There are personalities out there that thrive on negativity. They like the attention they get, the like the power it makes them feel they have and they work actively to keep it alive. I say that those types of personalities have no one in your life; those types of personalities are destructive and will only weigh you down. Stay positive and surround yourself with positive people.