Staying positive!
Well, it's now the second day of 2013 and I am very sure that many of us have already tucked away the slips of paper with our resolutions on them! Resolutions are a funny thing - they are filled with the best of intentions and we always look at them with inspired vim and vigor; yet for practical purposes, they always seem to fall on the wayside. Now, you may have one or two that might actually stick, if you try hard enough; but I think for most people, day to day life is difficult enough without adding in the extra stress of attempting to keep a commitment that you may not be that crazy about to begin with!
Instead, I submit that trying to live a more positive daily life will do much more for your soul as well as your goals as any slip of paper! Staying positive, promoting positive behaviours is an effort; of that I have no doubt. But the outcome be it emotional, spiritual or even physical, is well worth the small effort it takes. And it is truly a small effort to be positive in your daily life - it is really just like the saying: "It's the little things that matter." Remember, many little things will build to something very big and positive!
How is this achieved? Well, here are some very simple and easy to follow suggestion that can help you lead to a more positive daily life:
- Daily chores. WHAT?? You may be screaming...but it's true. Completing daily chores can add to a sense of accomplishment. Even if it is something as simple as making the bed or cleaning off the counter top. I am not saying that you need to disinfect the house, but little chores getting completed will go a long way to adding to a sense of accomplishment.
- When you enter a room or when someone else enters a room that you are in; stand up and greet them! The very action of movement when someone comes into the room gets the blood flowing and makes the person entering feel special as well. Reach out, hug them or shake their hand; the physical contact goes a long way to helping your body release hormones that add to the feeling of being special.
- Compliment someone - for no reason other than to compliment them. Little comments, 'You smell good', 'Your hair looks nice', 'Nice shirt'; all simple little compliments but go a long way to making the person you are complimenting feel special. How does this make you positive, try it and see! I dare you not to feel good when the other person smiles and acknowledges the comment!
- Turn off the 10:00 PM news! I know it's tempting, but if you need to watch TV before bed, turn on a sitcom, fall off to sleep with a smile on your face. I can tell you right now what is going to be on the 10:00 PM news - depression! Better to watch the news in the morning, when you have time to wash away the negativity with all of the other positive things you do throughout the day!
- Stop swearing so much. There are all kinds of different thoughts concerning this; from theories that people who swear more are more honest, to swearing releasing aggression. I will say this, do you know of any positive swear words? I don't think so, most swear words have a negative connotation. My view, if you can't say anything positive, don't say it at all. Hitting your thumb with a hammer and swearing; well, that's a different matter!
These are just a few suggestions - I could go on, but do a quick Google and you will find some that may fit your life and personality better. The point is though, living a positive life will get you positive in return. So, stay positive, pay it all forward and build towards living a better life!