Enjoy the Present! It's a Gift!

There are days that we all dwell on the past - we think of things we could have had, things we had and lost and things we should have had (or so we thought). These are the thoughts that weigh us down, that cloud the present and get in the way of the future. 

I struggle with this every day - some days being better than others; but I know it is something that nearly everyone deals with. It is that very thing that is giving me severe writers block at the moment; that focus on the past and of things lost. It is so hard to let go; but I know I must; the sun is shining, the air is crisp and the future is bright - all I have to do is focus on that!

Here are some things that I do in order to try and focus on the moment; I hope they can help you as well!

  1. Focus On The Immediate Moment - Sometimes this isn't as easy as it sounds, but there are ways to get to this. Take advantage of your sense of touch to draw you back to the moment! If you have a pet, call him or her over and pet them! Feel the smoothness of the fur, the way they breath, even feel their breath against your cheek.  It will draw you back to the present as well as comfort you! Don't have a pet? Go outside and lift your face to the sunlight, feel the warmth and calming rays; there is nothing more calming and invigorating, especially in the cold grey of winter!
  2. Just Breathe! There have been many studies on the benefits of breathing exercises! It's really very simple (and there are so many different exercises, just Google it); place your hands on your belly, breathe in very slowly and deeply; then slowly exhale. Focus only on your breathing. Soon, you will feel yourself come back to the moment.
  3. Clean Your Mind - A good trick that also helps when you can't sleep - close your eyes and visualize the past on a white board (or chalkboard) and then begin to wipe the board clean. As you are doing this, breathe through the wipes on the board. Visualize the writing being wiped away and the board becoming clean, not only will this relax you, but it will help bring clarity.
  4. Give Thanks - Nothing will make you be more grateful for the present than giving thanks for what you have! Give thanks for your loved ones. Give thanks for the food in your pantry! Walk around your house or apartment or room and give thanks for what you have. Realizing all of this while you are in the present, will bring you to a more positive present.

As they say, the present is a gift, that's why it is called the present. Enjoy it, wake up with a smile every day and watch the way it turns around how you feel!