'Ghostbusters' - Ain't afraid of no reboot!

Those looking for a remake or sequel of the original 'Ghostbusters' will be disappointed. While there are plenty of nods to the classic 1984 blockbuster, this is a 'Ghostbusters' that not only re-imagines the story, but offers its own (and somewhat overly lavish) take on the tale.


Written by Paul Feig and Katie Dippold and directed by Feig; I would have thought the film would have been a bit more over the top and gut busting. There isn't a director around today that can mine comedy gold from emale leads (especially the hilarious Melissa McCarthy) like Feig can. But in this reboot of 'Ghostbusters', Feig and Dippold seems to have given everything over to the special effects crew. Don't get me wrong, the effects are impressive (not impressive enough for 3D); but impressive effects without the benefit of an impressive storyline simply just overwhelm after a certain point.    


All that being said, the cast is wonderful and perhaps, were just a little bit restrained due to the PG-13 rating. One can hope for an unedited version once the digital release hits your local download! As always, Melissa McCarthy (as Abby Yates) and Kristen Wiig (Erin Gilbert) are spot on an funny; although Wiig as the straight man to McCarthy's over the top enthusiasm does wear a bit thin about halfway through the film. In the inevitable sequel, here's hoping Wiig will get a little more 'meat' to work with. Leslie Jones (as Patty Tolan) seemed a bit wasted as well, playing her usual 'Saturday Night Live' characters to a tee, nothing more. The stand out by far was the very talented 'Saturday Night Live' alum, Kate McKinnon (as Jillian Holtzman), playing a brilliant but very crazy scientist. While not having a lot of lines, her expressive eyes and natural physical comedy are funnier than most of the dialogue from McCarthy & Wiigs. This is a talent to watch! Another very funny addition (and a nod to the strong female leads) is the character Kevin, a stupid blonde receptionist played by none other than Chris Hemsworth of 'Thor' fame. A very funny performance from Hemsworth really shows the depth of his acting chops, he's not just beefcake I guess!

Original 'Ghostbusters' fan boys will not be disappointed as the film is very kind with cameos from the original cast as well as placement of some of the original ghosts, however, absent was Rick Moranis who has retired from films. 

It's a very breezy, inoffensive family fun film and while not loaded with laughs, it is a good evening of entertainment! It's a solid B offering that is probably one or two edits away from being a hilarious A! Skip the 3D version though, and enjoy the standard viewing!